Monday, April 03, 2006

Opening Day

It's Major League Baseball Opening Day!

Yay! Now's front page can remove all their *yawn* Women's NCAA Final Four stories (no offense, but nobody's watching) and focus on MLB (which admittedly, fewer people are watching these days).

Opening Day is always exciting, especially this year, when a lot of teams have much higher hopes than in the last few years. I think it was a little silly for there to have been a game last night (White Sox / Indians) only because it seems a little bit isolated.

A few years back (2001, I believe), I skipped work in the afternoon and was lucky enough to go to the Yankees season opener. That was probably my favorite opening day. Tonight, the Yanks start on the west coast, with the A's. They had been starting the year on the left coast for a while, but then in the last few years were on the east coast. Now I guess they're mixing it up again.

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