Sunday, December 28, 2008

Welcome, New England fans!

Welcome New England Patriots fans, to the misery of rooting for the Jets. That's right! You too, get to taste the joys of watching the Jets lose a game that could have sent your team to the playoffs. Join me!

By the way, towards the end of the game, I was trying to decide which I would prefer - the Jets winning and helping New England or the Jets losing and Miami going to the playoffs. I decided that there's nobody on the Patriots that I like, whereas I do still like Chad Pennington. So congrats, Dolphins!

Also, I thought it is interesting that the Jets' collapse this year was actually similar to Tampa's collapse from 9-3 also this year.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Watching "An Inconvenient Truth" and all I can think is how it feels like I'm attending a lecture in college. Interesting but zzzzzzzzzz...

Monday, December 22, 2008


Same ol' Jets.

I think we should have a new saying, however. How about "SJDY?" Same Jets, Different Year. Or SJDD - Same Jets, Different Day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Extra R

Post #800:
What is the difference between hrmmm and hmmm?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoe Thrown at Bush

While I don't like George Bush, it made me think of Austin Powers: Who throws a shoe? Honestly!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Battlestar Galactica and Law and Order crossing over?

I've been watching both Law and Orders this season and in the last episodes of each show, have been major guest appearances by cast members of Battlestar Galactica. Katee Sckhoff (Starbuck) in Law and Order, and Michael Trucco (Anders) in SVU. Does this mean some future appearances for the Adamas, Roslin or Baltar?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Happy Jets Fan - Still an Oxymoron

Well that didn't last long, did it?

After two great wins against New England and Tennessee on the road, the Jets have now had two horrible losses against Denver and the 49ers in a row. Same ol' Jets?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

11-30-2008 Denver Broncos at New York Jets

Maybe I should have entitled this, "Misery at the Meadowlands."

I got to go to the game on Sunday but the experience was horrible. The gate attendant wouldn't let me bring my umbrella in (despite the fact I wasn't going to use it as my seats were under the covering) and I had to "hide" it and hope it would be where I left it when I came out. It wasn't there. The alternative, since I took the bus, was to throw the umbrella out. Many people were throwing out perfectly good umbrellas. What a waste!

On to the game itself, it was a wet and windy day, and the Jets were horrible. The game was so strange with a number of big plays in the beginning, a fumble recovery that apparently wasn't a recovery (it sure looked that way on the replay), and a huge rash of Denver injuries towards the end of the game. In the third or fourth quarter, there was this really strange series of Jets offensive plays where after every play a Denver player required a trainer to come out to them. Literally five plays in a row. It was so strange that it appeared as if they were doing it on purpose!

Meanwhile, the defense had absolutely no pass rush. So sad.

Oh well, maybe this will be a wake up call for the team. The game did make the playoff prospects rather dim, as it exposed the horrible pass defense.

Here's a nice photo from the atrocious game, followed by an interesting ad I saw in Giants Stadium. I guess they don't update the ads very often.