Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Feeling philosophical today.

1) If you put a brain into a new body, would that be a brain transplant or a body transplant?

2) When Ben Franklin helped organize the United States Postal Service, do you think he knew he was creating a place that would be the source of untold misery? Have you ever been to a post office? There is no other place where 100% of the people are angry and miserable. From the customers to the people working, the whole joint is full of negative energy. It isn't specific to any one post office either. What is it about that place?

1 comment:

PJ said...

Actually, I don't find post office's to be that miserable. There are certain branches where the workers no longer care about providing good service and are subsequently much more content than they would be if they tried to be efficient. Does that make sense?

Now the DMV...that's a miserable place.