Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Real Life "Blades of Glory"

After reading this article about the US top two figure skaters, I couldn't help but think of the recent film, "Blades of Glory." Two top US male figure skaters who don't like each other, one a tough, manly, guy, the other a wispy, lighter than air fellow. Now all we need is to have them pair up for couples!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer Mini Review

I don't know why having Netflix draws me to rent movies that I know are crap, but it does. My morbid curiosity drew me to renting Fantastic Four 2, despite the fact that I thought Fantastic Four was pretty horrible. The movie did not disappoint. It's similar to the first movie - bad story, poor acting, but great production value. In general, these films have great effects, but not much else. There are many ridiculous things I could point out about this film, but I will limit it to just one: the Fantasti-car is a Dodge!

That one made laugh out loud. Seriously, the Fantasti-car is a Dodge!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No More Surprises

I like to think that no news surprises me. Yet then, every so often, I get surprised. For example, when Hillary Clinton won a bunch of primaries last week, I was sort of surprised, but not really. When the Giants beat the Patriots, I was pretty surprised, but still, any time two teams play, I never feel completely sure of the outcome. But NY Governor Eliot Spitzer getting busted for soliciting prostitutes? That one really surprised me. It's not like when CT's governor resigned for a scandal where he took money, or even NJ's governor revealing he was having a homosexual affair. This one was a shocker because it came out of nowhere and Spitzer's entire credibility is based on the fact that he was sort of this higher than thou prosecutor who did a lot of good things. I know I shouldn't trust politicians and I certainly don't believe that they are any better as people, but still, this one left me really surprised.