Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight was an awesome movie. I think part of what made it so enjoyable was that it didn't follow any sort of cliches that we expect from these types of movies. My audience at Union Square last Saturday afternoon was pretty amazing. There was almost no talking at all from the packed house, and when the movie started it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. A huge contrast from my Iron Man experience in Times Square when the couple next to me was talking at normal speaking volume the entire film.


PJ said...

I had the same experience in California. The crowd made the most noise at the end of the Watchmen trailer, but was completely captivated (and quiet) during the movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking blogman is the kind of guy who tells people that talk during movies to shut up and almost gets in fights as a result.

Blogman said...

Blogman was worried about exactly that, which is why during Iron Man people continued to talk using their outdoor voices.