Friday, August 15, 2008

Mike and the Mad Dog - It's Over?


As suddenly as Brett Favre became a Jet, the Mike and the Mad Dog program broke up after nearly 20 years. A show that has been a part of my afternoons for a while, and then when I couldn't listen in the afternoons, has been a podcast that I've been downloading regularly. This show, one of the first duo sports talk shows in the country, set the model for what is now an industry. For the most part, it's better than any other show that has come since. There have been times that either Mike or Mad Dog have been a little much either alone or together, but they somehow made the discussion fun and interesting. Whatever comes next won't be nearly as good.

Check out Mad Dog's teary goodbye.

According to Mike, he'll never have another radio partner and will be at WFAN the rest of his career. Unfortunately, individually neither Mike nor Mad Dog will be as good as the team show. If I was 1050 ESPN radio, I'd see if I could lure Mad Dog into the afternoon - imagine, Mike vs Mad Dog!

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