Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jay Cutler

To the Jets:

Please don't acquire Jay Cutler. Sure, he has a great throwing arm, and he's probably better than anyone that the team currently has. But the way he's reacting lately to the situation with the Broncos is extremely out of proportion compared to what has actually happened. And remember when he had a mini-feud with Philip Rivers? I believe Kerry Rhodes also said "I don't like him" after the team lost to the Broncos last year. It's tempting but don't do it!


PJ said...

I tend to agree that you probably don't want a guy like Jay Cutler leading your team. Of course, I'm not sure the Jets have any better options in the short term...

Blogman said...

I'd almost rather deal with a rookie. Especially the way the Jets have been de-emphasizing the offense and with a brand new coach.