It's been a little while since I discussed comics in this space, so here's some brief thoughts on what I've been reading...
Now that I'm in Miami, I get my books through the Discount Comic Book Service, which is awesome. I can't recommend it enough. I've also been listening to a bunch of comic podcasts: Comic Geek Speak, The Uncanny X-Cast, House to Astonish, Wordballoon, Pipeline and iFanboy.
DC Comics
Blackest Night
DC's centerpiece event right now. I'm reading the main book, Green Lantern, GL Corps, and a few of the mini series (Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman). The main book is excellent. It's got great art and very good story. Unfortunately I don't like the way Green Lantern weaves into the main story - the Green Lantern comic book series issues are a little disjointed and probably won't read well after the fact. Doug Mahnke in the Green Lantern book is doing good work. GL Corps is not essential reading, like I thought it would be. It's still not bad. The tie-ins are generally optional. Mildly enjoyable but completely optional. I'm excited to see how the mini-series ends.
Batman and Robin
This is a pleasant surprise. I think by now, most people know the identities of the Batman and Robin in the book, and I'm enjoying it. It's better when Quietly is drawing. The story seems to be written by "Good" Grant Morrison as opposed to "Confusing" Grant Morrison.
Flash: Rebirth
Very underwhelming. It looks like issue 6 is due in Feb, but the ending has been spoiled in Blackest Night and other books. Same thing happened with Legion of 3 Worlds last year. Even the art is just not what I expected from Van Sciver.
Adventure Comics
I'm glad to be exposed to Francis Manapaul. This book looks great. Johns is doing some nice writing here. Unfortunately, when that team leaves the book, I will too.
This title, by Brian K Vaughan and Tony Harris is hitting its final stride. It's very good. Not as good as Y: The Last Man, but stil very good.
Starman Omnibus
Another Tony Harris book - this was a huge title in the 90's. I missed it. I can see why people like it but I'm only on volume 2 and I don't think it's awesome yet.
Marvel Comics
Uncanny X-Men
Very good. Some people think Matt Fraction has a little bit of disjointed storytelling but it doesn't bother me. Alternating between the Dodsons and Greg Land seems to work. I like the Dodsons much more on the art but I saw some previews of the upcoming Land issue and the pencils actually look pretty good - not as stiff as usual. There is a little lightheartedness to this story that makes it my favorite X-title right now.
X-Men Legacy
I'm not sure where this is going. There was a time when I thought Mike Carey was the best of the X-writers. Now, I'm not so sure. I think this book needs to focus a little more on the X-Men in general.
Wolverine: Weapon X
This is Jason Aaron's title for Wolverine, so far it's just a fun Wolverine book. We haven't had that for a while. Old Man Logan was a good story but it is an alternate future story without much more to do. This title is good ol' Wolverine fun.
Captain America / Reborn
Captain America has been great. Unfortunately I think the Reborn story would have done a little better within the main Captain America book, but no matter, it's still pretty good. They suffered a scheduling hiccup when the issue after Reborn #6 came out before it. Hitch's artwork looks great, but the story doesn't seem as epic as expected from a big "event." I think Captain America and Green Lantern are the two best super hero books I read right now from the big 2.
Astonishing X-Men
Phil Jimenez takes over for Simone Bianchi on art which is welcome but Warren Ellis' story is completely out of context from the other books and because it is detached, it's hard to get into for me.
Dark Wolverine
I don't really like this book. The only reason I'm getting it is to have a continuous run on Wolverine. I'm not sure what will happen after Siege to this title.
X-Force / Cable Messiah War tpb
Because it was a great deal on DCBS, I got this paperback. The art is good, especially Mike Choi, but the story seems to meander a little bit. There are some nice character moments, and the X-Force book in general is pretty good, but in the end, the characters end up in the same place they started in this story.
Image Comics
Image United
Kind of a fascinating book where each of the original Image founders draws their own characters, so each panel looks like a jam piece. It makes for some cool art. It definitely makes me remember the 90's in comics, but with all the pros and cons. Good art (pro) and bad story (con). Also, this book was recently delayed. Ah, just like the old days!
Thoughts on upcoming events:
X-Men Second Coming
An X-Men crossover that promises to resolve the issue of the baby, Hope. I'm curious to see where this goes. I thought the last full X-Men Crossover, Messiah Complex was quite good.
The original Avengers are back, which should be great. Not sure why Marvel cancelled all their Avengers books this April but I'm sure there will be several titles to replace them. I hope that in the post-Dark Reign Marvel U that there will be room for Cap and Bucky, at least for a little while. Bucky has developed into a great character and is an example of how to do the unexpected resurrection correctly (as opposed to Jason Todd over at DC).
Brightest Day
A biweekly 26 issue series following Blackest Night. I just hope this is more like 52 than Countdown to Final Crisis. The good news is Geoff Johns is involved.
War of the Supermen
You know, I read New Krypton in the Superman books, and it was entertaining. But then Superman left the main titles, Geoff Johns left too, and there were just too many books to read. I hope that this is a little different and a good Superman story.
Bruce Wayne Returns
Just as I had not expected Bucky to make a good protagonist in Captain America, I also had not expected to like Dick Grayson as Batman. But I do now, so the question is maybe Bruce Wayne is back too soon? Also will this be written by "JLA / New X-Men" Grant Morrison or "Seven Soldiers / Final Crisis" Grant Morrison?
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