Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Gates - First in a Series

The Gates was this big public art project in Central Park. It was estimated to cost $21 million, and was completely privately funded by its creators, Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

Side note, an extention of my theory of never trusting anyone with two first names is to never trust anyone with just one name.

Anyways, I'll let you be the judge of whether it was successful or not. The New York Times ran an article about it almost every day, it seemed. Many people went to Central Park to see it, locals and tourists alike. There hasn't been a public art exhibition of its size in Central Park before (and one might wonder if ever again in the near future). But seriously, it's just a bunch of doorways.

If anything, it was worth it for me to visit the Park and snap a few shots which will be shared here. I went on 2/27/05, a nice winter day, and the last day of The Gates. Either something like this won't be done for a while in NYC because people are afraid of seeming like they're imitating this piece, or there will be some annual event like this to milk this sort of publicity. Who knows what will happen. Please enjoy my photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Supposedly it didn't cost $21 million (source NYT)