Saturday, November 26, 2005

Subway Performers

I don't mind most subway performers. Often one can see a number of people playing music or dancing inside a subway car in order to try and entertain the crowd. I've even heard of subway stand-up comedy, which has to be very difficult to pull off. But there are some times when a performer strikes a nerve and I don't appreciate their attempts while I'm riding on the subway.

1) Subway Drummer w/ Poetry - This is one of the most annoying performers I've ever seen on the subway. This is a person who has a snare drum around their waist, and plays a beat on it. Then at strategic moments, the performer will intersperse a scat-like poem or rap into the act. I know it's an attempt to do something different, but all it accomplishes is attacking my ears. The subway is loud enough and the drums don't help.

2) Horn Players - For a similar reason that I don't like the drum. By the way, both types of performers don't bother me in the station or on the platform, but when you're in this tight subway car, the horn has to point at someone, and if it's a little crowded, it sure gets loud if the horn is pointed at you. Talented performers but subway cars are not a good venue for them.

3) Subway Magician - This is the strangest guy I've ever seen on the subway. He pushes a little cart around full of magic tricks. What bugs me about this guy is that the tricks involve animals! He has at least a bird and a rabbit in this little cart he pushes around. It can't be good for the animals or very clean. I particularly didn't like it when he made the bird appear out of nowhere and it was free to fly wherever it wanted. If I was the bird I'd try to fly away! I suppose the tricks are neat but I couldn't stop worrying about this random bird flying around the subway car. Another person reported to me that they saw him along with an accomplice who pretended that all the tricks were amazing. I didn't see this accomplice.


Anonymous said...

What about the mariachi bands?

Blogman said...

Do they have drums and horns?

Anonymous said...

i think its RIDICULOUS and so wrong that you get to preview these before they get posted. have you heard of censorship?? whats the point of these comments if you don't publish them all? - mad in new york

Blogman said...

To my reader in a bad mood-

I haven't yet removed a comment that's critical of the KFB, but it's unfortunately due to all these spam comments I've been receiving lately. I refer you to that post:

If you can suggest an alternative to comment moderation, I'm all ears. Anyway I can delete comments after the fact as well. :)

Anonymous said...

is EVERYTHING about your E A R S?

Blogman said...

I'm sorry I have no ears. As you may know, Blogman is a disembodied hand without any ears at all.

But if I had ears, wouldn't I be an EAR-gomaniac? Heh heh heh.

Blogman said...

thanks for reading?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to test the censorship assertion. Your "ear" joke was also terrible enough to warrant the donkey ball comment.

Blogman said...

To be fair, I didn't publish the comment four times. I think that's one of those statements that gets through the first time.