Monday, August 09, 2004


Nothing like the first NFL "game" of the season (tonight's exhibition Hall of Fame game) and the impending release of Madden 2005 (Aug 12) to start all the football talk this week.

Too bad NFL coverage boils down to the world's worst hype machine. The NFL is really similar to politics. Too many pundits/experts/analysts and too much time before the main events. Too much exaggeration. Too much of people using yelling as a method of trying to get their point across.

The season doesn't start for a month. Let's calm down a little bit. At least let's wait for the preseason injuries to happen before Sportscenter declares things like, "the NFC East will be the most competitive division in football" (clearly wrong, it's either the NFC South or the AFC North, depending on your definition of competitive).

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