Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Something I Noticed...

So, according to all these polls, Kerry voters were more likely to be concerned about the economy and jobs, and Bush voters were more likely to be concerned about security and terrorism. Then why, oh why, did Bush lose all the states where terrorism were actually is a threat (such as New York, Massachusetts, California)? And why, where jobs and the economy are such a big issue, like the manufacturing states or farm states did John Kerry lose?

Why do I think the rest of the world is laughing right now?


Anonymous said...

As they have shown in 2000 and 2002 and finally 2004, Republicans execute their campaigns better.

In 2000, they fought to win in the election at any costs. Gore chose to take the high road and lost the election.

In 2002, they won victories in governorships, in the senate and in the house with precision campaigning.

In 2004, Bush targets the issues that matter to most of the Americans - Security/Terrorism/Values. Kerry targets #4 and #5, economy and jobs.
Chuck Schumer admitted that the Democrats failed to campaign on the issues that mattered the most to the American people.

In the future, political science majors will read textbooks on how to run a political campaign like Karl Rove.

Why did Bush lose New York, Mass, CA?
He knew he would lose those states - he conceded those to Kerry.
He knew he would win enough by targeting the two issues that mattered most to voters.
He won the election.

Chuck Schumer also said that the Dems felt that the large voter turnout would swing things their way. Apparently not.

Also the gay marriage state amendments couldn't have helped Kerry because it probably drove the anti-gay voters to the voting booths.
These voters probably didn't vote for Kerry.

Also, why would you introduce these amendments in the Midwest/South first?
Why not wait until mid term elections?

Blogman said...

Hmm. From those CNN polls I saw, the Kerry voters tended to be most concerned about economy and jobs whereas Bush voters were more apt to worry about terrorism. Kerry tried to target terrorism and Iraq but it's not what most people were concerned about and obviously it didn't work.