Monday, July 26, 2004

Bill Clinton... So Smooth...


I like to think that I can hear both sides of an issue, that I don't accept everything I hear. But earlier tonight Bill Clinton was talking and he could have said pretty much anything ("You don't need oxygen to breathe", "I invented the light bulb") and I would have believed him. Why? Why? He is just a great showman, I guess. No wonder I was able to believe him when he said (paraphrased), "I had a sexual encounter in the Oval Office with an intern. How about those Bosnians?"

Also, I found it somewhat amusing that a Democrat was against a proposed reduction in police officers. Aren't the Republicans the anti-crime party (whereas the Democrats are the pro-crime party)?

"Strength and wisdom are not conflicting values..." Good line, good job to whoever wrote that one.

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