Monday, July 26, 2004

Shove It

I'll probably vote for Kerry in the election in November.

In my opinion, the Republicans have a better PR machine than the Democrats (ironic because the media is so "liberal"). So we'll see how the convention (starting today) turns out. In the meantime it appears that Teresa Heinz Kerry told a reporter to "shove it", and of course, this has generated a lot of buzz.

***begin rant***
I don't really see what the big deal is here. After all, didn't Dick Cheney tell a Senator to have sex with himself?
***begin sarcasm***
Frankly, I think that if Mrs. Kerry wants to tell someone to "shove it", it makes her seem more human. When the Vice President told his colleague off, just because it wasn't an example of professionalism, it didn't matter. He seemed more down to earth and that's what counts. When I get frustrated and want to tell someone off, I just do it. He's just like me. Mrs. Kerry has sure earned points in my book. If only Laura Bush would do that -- then she wouldn't seem like such a right-wing-family-values robot. (I swear, I think she's a robot!)
***end sarcasm***
***end rant***

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