Sunday, October 24, 2004


Well, this is uplifting. On a slightly related note, ever notice that the phrase "Politics of Fear" uses a fear tactic itself?

This article's headline, "Bush, Kerry get support from swing-state newspapers" makes it sound like the papers couldn't decide. I guess they're trying to convey that Nader get any swing-state newspaper endorsements.

One more story for you -- fifty Iraqi soldiers were found dead. says, "Dozens of Iraqi soldiers found shot to death" while the New York Times says, "Scores of Iraqi soldiers are Found Shot to Death" and Fox News further clarifies with "Dozens of Unarmed Iraqi GIs Killed in Ambush."

I like how "Scores" sounds like a lot more than "Dozens" even though technically both are true. I also like the added touch of "Unarmed."

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