Saturday, October 09, 2004

Undecided Voters

Is there any greater charade than that of the "undecided" voter this year?

First of all, the idea that any of these debates would change anyone's minds is absurd. The two candidates just spew their same PR nonsense over and over again. There are no original or fresh ideas. Also, they can't directly address each other, thus eliminating any spontaneous moments.

Now, how any person who has been alive in the last four years can possibly not have an opinion on this election is way beyond me. The President has a clear record over these last four years. He's pretty much stated that he believes he has not made any mistakes over the last four years. That should be a clear indication that any logic applied in the next four years will be like the logic applied in the last four.

Do you think this President is a strong, decisive leader or an arrogant and devisive one? These "undecided" voters have had FOUR YEARS to make up their minds on this. What makes them think they'll get any new information in the next three weeks?

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