Monday, November 29, 2004

Two Words a Single Guy Hates to Hear

Today, I noticed that even if a woman (of similar age) that I have absolutely no romatic interest in says the words, "my boyfriend" it makes me wince. Hopefully it's just a psychological wincing and not an obvious physical flinch. I'm not sure why this happens. Some sort of carnal instinct?

Certainly in a bar, those two words are a big conversation killer for me. Oh, your boyfriend? Great... that's the last person I want to hear about. But this morning, I wasn't in a bar and it made me (figuratively) roll my eyes.

Do single women wince when they hear guys say "my girlfriend"? I suspect that single women might actually do the opposite -- raise their eyebrows and want even more information -- either for gossip or to figure out what kind of man they're really talking to.


Blogman said...

Sorry... I find it hard to concentrate on anything you said after "If I was single."

Blogman said...

Is that the Wacky ChinaWoman? Or does she prefer Wacky ChinaChick?

Anonymous said...

I suggest

If you just want to mess around - try craigslist