Thursday, January 13, 2005

Two Wacky Items on the Channel 2 Noon News

Wacky Item #1
New Yorkers owe backtaxes for cigarettes they bought over the Internet. Do cigarette taxes apply for interstate commerce? If you buy from there's no sales tax. Isn't it the merchant's responsibility to collect and pay the taxes? If the taxes do apply, isn't the internet merchant's responsibility to know about the taxes then collect them from the person? I thought in sales transactions merchants collected and paid the taxes. Oh well, guess I'll have to take a few days off from studying tax code.

Wacky Item #2
A story designed to just to play to people's fears. A man who is on a terror watch list made it onto a British Airways flight. They discovered the error and transferred the passengers to another flight after another security check. Interviews on the tv news had the passengers saying how scared they were. I understand he's on a watch list, but he's not a convicted or charged crook yet...


Anonymous said...

item #1
you the consumer by law are supposed to disclose those and pay sales tax on those purchases from amazon if the merchant doesn't collect them from you

because merchants and customers were not being honest and paying the tax, that the lawmakers in washington tried to repeal the internet sales tax but were "convinced" to not do it

item #2
yes - innocent until proven guilty
there are some that say that osama bin laden shouldn't be blamed for 9/11 since he is innocent until proven guilty

Blogman said...

Item #1

Looks like I learned something today!