Thursday, December 30, 2004

Clubs Part 2

A while back, I complained about not getting into a club after some guy who was part of the group I was with backstabbed me.

Well, once again, New York City clubs didn't let me down. Two weeks ago, the first place I tried to meet my (mixed gender group of) friends at didn't let me in because I was male and "the ratio was bad." Then the place I ended up at didn't let my friends in when they tried to meet me because it was "too crowded." Fortunately, as they say, the third time was the charm and we ended up drinking at the same place. Eventually. In some ways this was pretty damn funny. In other ways, it was just pretty damn irritating.


Anonymous said...

is there something about you that makes you stick out?

you should start your own club based on your specific qualities

that way you can always get in

or just go to espnzone instead

Blogman said...

Nah, I just need a harem of women so I can go anywhere I want.