Sunday, December 05, 2004

Hey Senator! Don't you have better things to do?

Just one man's opinion.


Anonymous said...

The reason why the steroid issue hasn't been dealt with before according to Sen. Biden is that the House and the Senate got sidetracked by 9/11, war on terror, and Iraq.

Now that those issues have been dealth with, now let's focus on steroids in baseball before Bonds breaks Aaron's record.

Blogman said...

The fed shouldn't be involved. It has better things to do.

Anonymous said...

Not when the feds have given baseball an antitrust exemption.

Blogman said...

No. The Federal government has a number of other issues that it should be working on over the entertainment industry. Baseball will work this one out because there's too much money at stake for the owners and players. McCain is just saying he wants them to "shape up" to get some cheap, easy publicity. It's BS.