Friday, July 22, 2005

I Think My Next Computer Will Be a Mac

Despite all the things I might complain about with Macs - stringent software restrictions, high prices, lower number of software titles, "trendy" computer user base, I think I may have to make the switch in a few years with my next computer. I'm sick of worrying about security features, and incompatible iTunes updates.

The announcement of WindowsVista doesn't make me any more excited either. What a stupid name. I think the pose in this photo is hilarious too.

Addendum: I've noticed a lot of free video content on the web (,, etc) requires windows media player, which unfortunately is not available for Mac. This adds a little monkeywrench into my plans of Mac switching, although hopefully by the time I have to make any decisions, everyone will have embraced quicktime formats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't buy a Mac.

They cost too much.

They are too slow.

No software.

You don't want to be trendy.