Saturday, July 30, 2005

Spare Some Change?

I have a personal policy not to help anyone asking me for change, regardless of what they look like or their story. The reason for this is that I've been hoodwinked before and so I don't like to be taken advantage of because I'm nice. Therefore, I just assume everybody asking for change or food is up to no good, and then deny their request.

Today, a couple asked me for change and for some reason, I felt pretty bad for them. It's made me re-think the policy. Instead of punishing those who actually need assistance because of those who might not, shouldn't I just accept that not everybody is honest and at least help those few that I can? It's not like I couldn't afford to drop a dollar here or there to help folks out, even if they all don't need help. I don't think this will change my policy but it's something that was passing through my mind this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read Blink by Malcom Gladwell. It might answer your questions.