Sunday, September 12, 2004

Going out

Ever notice if you go out with a big group, you need people to fill certain roles?

For example, every group needs a:

Idea Man/Woman
This is the person who says, "Why don't we go to..."

Let's Go Guy/Girl

The other crucial component to going out in a group, this person mobilizes the group. "It's time to go to..." This person can be the same as the Idea Man, but not necessarily. Typically this role is filled by a tall or at least very recognizable person. It may be their role later in the night to mobilize the group again.

Then, there are some less essential roles:

Whatever You're Doing Dude/Dudette

Fairly obvious -- "Where are you going?" "Whatever you're doing." This person is the right hand man to Let's Go Guy. If a group has multiple "Whatever You're Doing Dudes" it's beneficial since the group mobilizes much more quickly.

Meet You There Chick/Guy
There's always some person who "will meet you there." Usually a woman, this person doesn't always make it to the final destination. But they'll say they will. Also known as, "Call Me When You Get There Chick/Guy."

Gotta Go To The ATM Man/Woman
Inevitably, one person will not have enough money before the plan set forth by Idea Guy/Girl is put in motion.

Camera Guy/Girl

Someone is bound to have a camera and will try to capture embarrassing moments.

Finally, there's:

The person nobody wants around but nobody had the heart to tell them.


shanjan said...

You forgot the This Sucks Guy/Girl: The one who, no matter where the group goes, will stand around surrounded by their own cloud of negativity, muttering to anyone who smiles in their general direction about how "this" whatever it may be, "sucks."

Anonymous said...

You forgot my favorite super hero...captain no sho'.

He is the individual capable of missing all activities in a single bound. "Sure guys, I'll catch you at the club later." However, the following morning he promptly transforms into his alter ego, "I showed up late last night, but I guess you guys had already left" man.

Riiiiight. Cool blog man.