Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Texans for Truth

Just starting to realize that part of the reason why so many of my posts reflect on politics is because politics is so amusing to me.

Case in point: "Texans for Truth" have started posting ads questioning the President's military service record. Sound familiar? I love it.

Fortunately, the ridiculousness that is the Texans for Truth has been overshadowed by even greater absurdity - the notion Dick Cheney presented that we would be more vulnerable to terrorists under John Kerry. That we would revert to "pre-9/11 conditions" if we eleceted Kerry. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Cheney part of the "pre-9/11 conditions" as both Secretary of Defense under Bush 41 and also as VP under Bush 43? So is his point we can either vote for someone who will bring us back to "pre-9/11 conditions" or someone who helped to establish those "pre-9/11 conditions" in the first place??

I think I have used the term "9/11" more in this post than in any other post on this blog.

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